Friday, February 11, 2011

About a Girl

This is a picture of my dear friend Chris and her baby boy Francis.Ive been trying to write something about her for a few days now and I just couldn't put down what I wanted to say.I think she probably helped change my life more than anyone else Ive ever known.I was slowly dying when she came into my life.She became my counselor at a Methadone Clinic where she spent hours and hours just listening to me.She never tired to give me the answers.She let me try and figure them out for myself. It took a long time but she taught me how to not be so scared.
The other thing she did for me was this.In a few short short years I lost my brother,father,step father and my Ma and through all of it she sat and listened.

Just a few weeks ago she got very sick.Tonight I got a call from her daughter that we had lost Chris.My heart hurts but because of the things she taught me I'll be fine.We truly loved each other and I'll always have that.

She was my friend.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I just got these last night.It was one of those perfect Southern California days in Malibu.Shot by the amazing Jeff Burton,makeup by Miss Darlene Jacobs and the model is the BEAUTIFUL Edita Vikeviciute.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Tranny

This is kind of an open love letter to somone that came into my life about 3 years ago so Ladies and Gentlemen Id like you to meet my dear friend Mississippi's own Mr. Joshua Conerly aka Miss Mia Chambers

Its not often that you meet someone and have an instant connection with but that is exactly what happened with Josh.When my Ma got sick and we decided it was time for her to go home to Mississippi my first thought was "FUCK" now I have to go there.I was kind of mortified at the thought of having to spend any time there at all.I fought it my whole life and at the time I felt like I had nothing at all in common with anyone in my family after all I lived in Hollywood and my Mawmaw and Pawpaw had a dirt driveway for God's sake.Anyway it turns out Im an idiot and I happen to have an amazing family that I love dearly but all that is for another story.

Now back to Josh.When I relized we were really going I started stalking Billy's Myspace because he had alot of "friends" from Mississippi on his page.One day Josh asked me to be his friend on my Hair page I think mostly because he found out I worked with Mariah Carey for a long time and Josh LIVES for Mariah.We chatted back and forth for couple of months and when I got here I called and asked him to take me out.Now the only place I knew in town was Borders book store so we met in the parking lot.We had the exact same red  Grand Am (only my is the very fancy Mary Kay Edition I got from Aunt Gert) and it was love at first site.He took me to Dick and Jane's but I had no idea it was to see a drag show and knew nothing of "Mia" yet.This was the night we found out we didn't even have to speak to understand each other.A kind of Tranny Telepathy if you will.He took me up to the dressing room to meet the girls.We walked in I stopped in my tracks at the beauty before me looked at Josh,he took this picture and our friendship was sealed.

Since then we've become very close.Josh is like my kid brother/sister depending on the day.The thing I find funny is when people mention our age difference to me.Were both grown end of story.Listen I have a handful of friends that I love and would do anything for but it's different with Josh.He reminds me so much of myself my drag was just different.

Like me Josh has an amazing Mother and brother that completely support him.Like mine his parents split when he was a kid and his Father and I have very similar past including a life of drug addition but unlike alot of people raised surrounded by that kind of lifestyle instead of thinking it was cool or blaming everything  wrong with their lives on that he ran from it.He's honest,responsible and independent to a fault.Everything I wasn't at his age.The one thing I struggle with in our friendship is his wish to transition to a woman.It scares me and I won't pretend to understand what that must feel like.I do know sometimes he feels so lonely my heart breaks for him and whatever his choice is I will stand behind him 100 percent.Anyway I felt compelled to write about my girl here to let her know how much I love her and that your never alone while Im around.

Besides in a few years you'll be feeding me and changing my diaper's so have fun while you still can.

P.S. Anyone that is offended because I refer to Josh as The Tranny we both say to you

                                                              Bite Me

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well I was bored yesterday and started this thing and today I've been thinking to much about it and have little to say so Im gonna start here.This is an interview that I did with my friend Katy Rodriguez in 2009.She asked alot of great questions and I have added a few pictures from the original Q&A.The other reason I chose to start here is this was when my life was about to change in ways I never imagined.These are some of the things that happened leading up to this interview.

1.In 2000 I walked away from Los Angeles,my career and everyone I knew because of drug addiction
2.In 2005 I kicked a 30 year Heroin habit
3.In 2005 I kicked a 20 year Methadone habit
4.In 2005 I saw my friend Billy B for the fist time since 1999 while I was in detox
5.In 2006 when I got out of rehab Billy introduced me to Patrica Field
6.In 2006 my first job in 6 years was doing  Miss Field's for the Academy Awards
7.In 2007 I started getting work again but my Ma was becoming pretty sick
8.In 2008 I moved my Ma home from California to Mississippi.She had not lived there since 1951 and I had not seen my family since 1986
8.In 2008 I went to Billys hometown of Aberdeen,Mississippi.I fell in love with a house and my Ma bought it for me.
9.In 2008 Billy and I decided to turn one of his houses into a salon.
10.On March 7th 2009 my sweet Ma Ellie Jay passed away
11. In 2008 my old friend Kathy Jeung introduced me to Katy Rodriguez
12.In 2009 Billy and I open our Salon in Aberdeen
13.In 2009 I did this Q&A with Katy.It will tell you a little about me.

 14.Now its 2011.I've fallen in love with and am living and working full time in Mississippi and travel wherever I need to for freelance work.I have a life full of family and friends that I never dreamed of and Im as happy as I ever remember being.


The talented Mr. Syd Curry has glammed up the locks of a crew of amazing ladies, including Cindy Crawford, Patricia Field, Tina Turner, and Mariah Carey.  This Fall, Syd teamed up with Katy Rodriguez for her Spring 09 look book and presentation to create a gorgeous modern riff on Frida Kahlo’s ornate braids.
In January, Syd plans to open his first salon in a small town in Mississippi that’s just round the corner from Elvis’ homestead.  With haircuts starting at $50, we think it’s definitely worth the plane tic!
This week, we did a little Q & A with Syd to get the dish on Cindy, the “Heidi Lopez,” and being Mariah’s Santa sidekick…

The hair in Katy’s Spring 09 presentation at the Lautner house was amazing.  What was the inspiration? What was your vision?

Katy, Frida Kahlo, and the website Indigenous Women were my cast of inspirations.
For both the show and look book, I braided fabric from the materials of Katy’s collection into the hairpieces and shredded the ends. During the look book shoot, I dubbed the model Natalia “Heidi Lopez” and gave her a Swiss/Spanish look.
For the Spring 09 presentation, the hair evolved into more of a Frida Kahlo meets Hazy Fantazy kind of thing. It was great fun.
You work a lot with celebrities, how does Hollywood compare to fashion shoots?

They are two completely different worlds. With fashion, it’s almost always a collaboration between hair, makeup, wardrobe, and the photographer. Either the clothes inspire a story or a story inspires the look.
When you’re working for a celebrity sometimes you get lucky and work with someone who has a strong sense of style, but more often than not you’re at the mercy of the publicists, studios, etc. It has become a not very creative way to work, as everyone is so worried about being on somebody’s “worst” list. All these so-called “Fashion Critics” have taken the fun out of everything.
I had the pleasure of doing Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Day Lewis for his Oscar win last year.  They got ripped apart, but at least they were being themselves whether anyone liked it or not.
You have done the hair for a crew of iconic women, including Tina Turner, Debbie Harry, Beatrice Dahl, and Cindy Crawford.   What are some of your most memorable experiences?
In the nineties, I loved doing Cindy Crawford for her show “House of Style” and the MTV Awards (which were still good then). We would interview all the bands for the show. Cindy was great because she knew how much I loved music and she would let me run off to watch everyone play.
Working with Tina Turner recently was a really big deal for me. She was my first music idol, I used to hitchhike to see her when I was 14 – 15 years old. Let’s just say I was a bit obsessed! It was great being able to tell her what a huge part her music played in my life.

Who are you mainly working with now?
For the last year, I’ve been working with Patricia Field and it’s been amazing. Everything’s bigger than life with Pat.
We know you are a huge Rock ‘n Roll fan, how has music influenced your work?
Rock and roll has influenced everything in my life.  When somebody mentions a beehive I don’t think of Amy Winehouse, I think of the Ronettes. When someone says Platinum blond, I don’t think of Jean Harlow, I think of Debbie Harry.
Music really has everything to do with the looks I create. For instance, when we were getting the girls ready for Katy’s show, we played lots of old Bowie. Music puts me in my element and keeps me from over-thinking things.
 You just opened a salon in a very unexpected location, tell us about it.
My salon is in Aberdeen, Mississippi, which is about 45 minutes from Tupelo, the birthplace of Elvis Presley. I was born and raised in Los Angeles but my whole family is from Mississippi. Last year I went back with my best friend, the makeup artist Billy B., for the first time since 1986. Billy took me to his hometown of Aberdeen for Thanksgiving and I fell in love with it. I fought the whole “Southern” thing my entire life, now I can’t get enough of it.
One day we decided it would be a fun idea to convert one of Billy’s Victorian houses into a Flagship store for him and a Salon for me. Our shop, the “Syd Curry Salon and Billy B Beauty” opens on Jan. 6th. I’ll be there one week a month.

Since it’s the holidays we have to ask, we saw a picture of you on stage dressed as Santa Claus with Mariah Carey.  Please explain.
I worked with Mariah for about four years. Her first arena tour ended at Madison Square Garden with a Christmas show. She pointed out the suit in the dressing room and said “Put this on, you’re gonna be Santa.” It was really fun…until they turned the house lights on and I could see all the people!

You have personally sported many looks, from glam to new romantic to goth – which look do you feel the most attached to?
Glam Rock for sure. I discovered David Bowie and Rodney Bingenheimer’s English Disco when I was a teenager. Once I heard the music and saw the clothes all the kids were wearing, I was a goner. It was truly the first time in my life I fit in somewhere.
The satin suits from Granny Takes a Trip and the platform shoes from Fred Slatten were heaven to me.  Those days were special: it was the Sunset Strip at its best and my biggest worry was if I had enough sequins to sew on my jeans!
Pretty people dressing up and great music…you kind of can’t ask for more than that when you’re a kid!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Im Bored

So I've decided to amuse myself
Maybe some of you

This blog will consist of the following.

Stories about my life in Simi Valley,Hollywood California,Doing hair,Music,Bands,The Sunset Strip,Drugs,Concerts,Friends (dead and alive),Heroin,Methadone,That bitch Faye Dunaway,Arrest,Boys,Girls,18th Street,Being on the lam,Death,Rehab and starting a new life in Aberdeen Mississippi.

And anything else that inspires,offends and makes me smile.