Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Im Bored

So I've decided to amuse myself
Maybe some of you

This blog will consist of the following.

Stories about my life in Simi Valley,Hollywood California,Doing hair,Music,Bands,The Sunset Strip,Drugs,Concerts,Friends (dead and alive),Heroin,Methadone,That bitch Faye Dunaway,Arrest,Boys,Girls,18th Street,Being on the lam,Death,Rehab and starting a new life in Aberdeen Mississippi.

And anything else that inspires,offends and makes me smile.


  1. Sounds like some interesting reading

  2. yeah yeah yeah syd...lots of details

  3. One chapter can be "BURNIN DOWN THE HOUSE" remember?!

  4. its about Queen!!!! "that bitch Faye Dunaway"

  5. and if i happen to be mentioned in this stroll of the early years you can say anything im not vain, unless i disagree with you then its on! JK or you may skip over me but that would be hard syd thats a good 5 or 6 years of your youth, well what ever I need to catch up on the past 30 years anyways so onward looking forward to reading it, did I say enough I could go on and on and on........

  6. oops sorry its me randy this is the way it appeared an old blog

  7. Oh I'm sure I'll be entertained!

  8. I'm more bored than you, so start working! I want to be entertained by Mr. Curry.
